One Of Oak Creek Canyon’s Most Colorful And Popular Attractions
by Joseph A. Sprince – Photography by Gerald B. Allen

One of Oak Creek Canyon’s most colorful and popular attractions is found at Slide Rock State Park. Every summer hundreds of thousands of Arizonans and other visitors will seek relief from the heat in the cool waters of Oak Creek at Slide Rock. At the same time they will experience the beautiful red rocks up close and personal.
In this section of the canyon, the red rock forms the bottom as well as the walls of the canyon. The creek has eroded the soft sandstone into beautiful shapes with resulting chutes, slides, pools, and waterfalls. In other words, a natural water park. Youngsters and oldsters alike enjoy a cool summer dip in the midst of exceptional scenery.

The park also preserves structures and artifacts from the historic Pendley ranch which operated here early in the century. Their beautiful home (photo right) was constructed in 1927. Also on display are many early farm implements as well as the fruit orchards. The trees continue to grow wildly. Many fruit trees continue to grow on now-public lands in beautiful settings here in the canyon, and still producing fruit. The photo (left) shows a tree with lots of red apples.
The park can be extremely busy during the summer. Visit early in the day, or in spring or fall when it is much less crowded. There is a very pretty picnic area.
Shown below are two more scenes from Slide Rock State Park.